Health Care

We are fortunate to have a wonderful medical staff working hard to provide the best camper and staff medical care and to be responsive to parent inquiries and concerns.


We want our campers to be as successful as possible at Akeela. If your child takes medication during the school year, we feel that it is imperative that he/she maintains the same routines at camp. If you have any questions or concerns about this camp policy, please contact us as soon as possible.
All medications, prescription or “over the counter,” must be kept in the Health Center. Children are not allowed to administer their own medication without prior approval from our medical staff.

Required – CampMeds

In our ongoing commitment to meet the needs of our campers as well comply with strict state regulations, we will once again be working with CampMeds, a pre-packaging medication program.

Our policy and procedure for dispensing and administering medicine requires camp families to have ALL of your child’s daily medicine dispensed by CampMeds and sent to camp prior to their arrival.

CampMeds will fill virtually any medication taken daily:

  • Prescription medications, including pills, liquids, inhalers and creams
  • Controlled substance prescriptions
  • Non prescription (over-the-counter) medication
  • Vitamins and supplements

NOTE: If your child uses an inhaler or epipen, please send two: one for us to keep in the health center and one to go out of camp on trips.

We want to be clear that we do expect 100% participation in CampMeds from families with campers who will take daily medication at camp. (If your camper does not take daily medication, you do not need to register with CampMeds.)

If there is a specific brand that you require for your child, you can send it IN ADVANCE to CampMeds so they can pack it for you. You’ll need to do that in the early spring — please do not wait until May or June!!! In addition, please remind the doctor who writes the prescription to do so with as much detail as possible. For example, if a physician writes a prescription as “2 times a day”, it will be given at breakfast and dinner. If there are specific times when a medication should be given, it needs to be written as such on the prescription! Please call us or CampMeds if you have any questions.

Any other medication (i.e. items administered on an “as needed” basis) must be mailed to camp in its original packaging one week prior to your camper’s arrival. Please call the office to notify us if medications will be arriving by mail. It is camp policy not to accept any medication (including vitamins, supplements, etc.) on Opening Day.

You will find details about how to enroll in CampMeds, along with an FAQ, on your family’s online Forms Dashboard (accessible through the Family Log In.) If you have any questions about CampMeds, you can reach them at 954-577-0025 and

Over-The-Counter Medications

Our Health Center stocks basic over-the-counter drugs including the following partial list of items we stock in the Health Center. Please do not send any of these items with your camper:

Ace wraps or any type of band-aids, Bacitracin and/or any type of antibiotic ointment
Visine, Clear Eyes, swimmer’s ear drops, wax removal ear drops, saline spray
Tums, Mylanta, Chewable Imodium, Lactaid, Fiber Pills, Metamucil
Claritin, Zyrtec, Benadryl (pills and liquid)
Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen (pills and liquid), Aleve, Midol, Mineral Ice, Dramamine
Sudafed, Robitussin, Robutussin DM, Delsym, Cough drops, Chloraseptic, non-pseudo nasal decongestant
Benadryl, Lotrimin Ultra, Calamine, Caladryl, Hydrocortisone 1%, Gold Bond, Athlete’s Foot Cream and Spray, Aloe Gel Sunburn Cream

Other “As-Needed” Medications
If your child takes any “as needed” medications that are NOT described above, please list them on the required Physician’s Exam Form. THESE MEDICATIONS SHOULD BE MAILED TO CAMP IN THEIR ORIGINAL PACKAGING A WEEK BEFORE YOUR CAMPER’S ARRIVAL. As a reminder, all daily meds (even vitamins or OTC medications) must be pre-packaged through CampMeds.

Communication About Health Issues

We understand the importance of keeping you informed about health issues affecting your child. Our medical staff follow the guidelines below and respond to you as quickly as time allows.

  • We generally will not contact you if your child is seen in the Health Center for routine problems, i.e. minor skin abrasions, headache, cold, etc.
  • If your child is taken to the doctor’s office, put on antibiotics or kept in the Health Center overnight, a member of our nursing staff will call you that day or evening. The phone numbers you provide on your child’s Health/Emergency Form will be used to contact you. Unless your child has a medical emergency, the health center staff will generally not leave a message on an answering machine. Such messages can often be misinterpreted and be unnecessarily alarming.
  • If your child has a medical emergency, we will contact you immediately by phone.

Medical Charges

The camp tuition covers all medical services provided in camp. All medical bills from providers outside of camp will be processed by the provider through your health insurer. Any applicable payments or copays will be charged to the credit card that you provide to the camp for this purpose. If your camper requires prescription medication during camp, we will provide the pharmacy with your medical insurance information. Any deductibles or out-of-pocket costs greater than $20 will be charged to your credit card.


We strongly recommend that all campers coming to camp this summer be up-to-date with the most recent vaccinations and boosters per the CDC recommendations. We are also requiring all campers to take an at-home test the morning of their departure for camp. If a child tests positive, please contact contact us immediately. We will NOT be testing at camp unless our nursing team believes that the constellation of symptoms a child or staff member displays deems it necessary to do so.

Other Health Concerns

Lyme Disease
All of us who live in the Northeast have a heightened concern and awareness of Lyme disease. We are most happy to report that Akeela is in a “low risk” area for Lyme. Nevertheless, rest assured that our health care staff are well aware of the symptoms, tests and medications for Lyme and will be most vigilant in their routine checks. We have partnered with Ivy Oaks Analytics who are treating our property for ticks and mosquitos as well as poison ivy. For more information, go to
Communicable Disease
If your child has been exposed to any communicable disease within three weeks of camp, please notify the camp immediately. Children may not attend camp until they have recovered. Our health center staff completes a thorough health screening of each child before they are allowed to join our camp community.
Head Lice
Have your child inspected for the presence of head lice three weeks prior to departure and again immediately before camp begins. If your child had head lice or was exposed to it (family member, friend, schoolmate, etc.) within four weeks of her arrival to camp, please notify us. We will check for the presence of lice while your child is at camp. If lice is discovered, you will be charged $75 for the treatment.
If orthodontic problem occurs at camp, we will notify you. With your concurrence (most times home orthodontists want to be consulted as well), we will take your child to a local orthodontist to resolve the problems and keep your child comfortable at camp. We are unable to provide ongoing orthodontic care.
If your child wears eyeglasses, we ask that you send an extra pair to us for safekeeping in our Health Center in case the first pair are lost or broken.

Family Handbook Table of Contents

  1. About Akeela & About CampGroup
  2. Camper Travel and Visiting Day
  3. Packing List & Baggage Shipping Information
  4. Purchasing Camp Clothing, Prohibited Items & Laundry
  5. Communication: Mail, Phone Calls & Parent Communication
  6. Health Care: Medications, Health Communication, Medical Charges, Other Health Concerns
  7. Safety, Health and Wellness
  8. Electronics Policy
  9. Homesickness Prevention
  10. Success at Akeela
  11. Camper Code of Conduct
  12. Additional Activities and Trips
  13. “Open House” Orientation Day
  14. Driving Directions