special needs family camp

Happy Holidays & Summer 2014 Slideshows!

With the holiday season upon us, we find ourselves missing all our campers and the warm summers at Camp. These slideshows help us remember all the magic of camp!

Summer 2014 Session 1 Slideshow
Summer 2014 Session 2 Slideshow

We hope you’ll recognize some of the songs in the slideshows from campfire. Speaking of songs from campfire, we just created a songbook on the website so you can see the lyrics to all your favorite camp songs! Check it out here: Camp Akeela Songbook

Wishing you all a happy holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Debbie, Eric, and Kevin

NY Area Info-Session 12/7/14

If you live in the New York area and would like to learn more about Camp Akeela, we invite you to join us at our upcoming information session:

  • Sunday, December 7 in Fort Lee, NJ

This is a casual event in which we show lots of photos of camp, talk about a typical daily schedule, and answer parents’ & children’s questions.

Please call Debbie at 866-680-4744 or email info at campakeela dot com for details.

New York Quirky kids camp

Winter Weekend & Parent Retreat: January 9-11

We are thrilled to announce two new and exciting winter program offerings. Both events will take place in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts on the weekend of January 9 – 11, 2015. Akeela campers in grades 6 – 11 are invited to join us for a weekend of reuniting with camp friends, indoor and outdoor games, and Akeela spirit. Campers will stay and play at the Winadu Lodge at Camp Winadu in Pittsfield, MA. Meanwhile, we have organized a retreat for parents at the luxurious Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, MA.

Learn more here:

Winter Weekend

Parent Retreat

Asperger’s teens summer trips

Upcoming Conferences

Our assistant director, Kevin Trimble, will be representing Camp Akeela at these two upcoming conferences:

On October 25, in Boston, is AANE’s Asperger Syndrome Connections 2014. This year’s conference, titled “Practical Perspectives, Positive Lives” features speakers Simon Baron-Cohen, Winnie Dunn and Michael Forbes Wilcox.

On November 2, Kevin will be attending the ASPEN Fall Conference in Iselin, New Jersey. After morning presentations from Alex Plank (speaking on autism and the media) and Dennis Debbaudt (ASD and independence), seven afternoon sessions will address topics from dating and relationships to psychopharmacology.

If you’re planning to attend either of these conferences, make sure to stop by the Camp Akeela table to say hello to Kevin. If you weren’t planning to attend, we encourage you to take a look a these two excellent organizations: AANE and ASPEN.

family camp activities

Fall 2014 Newsletter

The latest Camp Akeela Circular is ready for your reading pleasure. It announces several exciting changes being planned for Summer 2015, a collection of Summer 2014 photos, and some big news about upcoming Akeela Winter Weekends!

Click Here to Read the Newsletter

Teen camp midwest Summer Camp Vermont

Come See Us In Action!

Our Summer 2014 tour dates have been set!

If you’re thinking about sending your child to camp in 2015, we strongly recommend taking a road trip this summer to see some camps “in action”. Touring a camp during their summer season is the best way to get feel for it — and answer the critical question of whether it’s the right community for your child. In addition to seeing facilities, you’ll see activities, meet campers and staff, and spend some quality time with the camp directors.

At Camp Akeela, we offer tours on select weekend dates throughout the summer. If you’re interested in coming to see us, please contact our office (866-680-4744) to schedule a visit.

Vermont Summer Camp

Winter 2014 Newsletter

newsletter_screenshotHot off the presses: the most recent edition of The Akeela Circular, our camp newsletter. This edition includes a note from Debbie and Eric about how new experiences can be difficult but also help us grow and enjoy life more. That segues into a piece about how campers can start preparing now for a great summer at camp. We’ve also included a variety of previews for Summer 2014: exciting facility upgrades, lists of returning campers and staff, and quick profiles of many Senior Staff members. That’s not all, so check it out!

February 2014 Akeela Circular

Upcoming Info-Sessions

We invite you to join us at one of our upcoming information sessions:

  • Saturday, January 25 in White Plains, NY
  • Saturday, February 1 in Dedham, MA

These are casual events in which we meet families who are interested in learning more about Camp Akeela. We show lots of photos of camp, talk about a typical daily schedule, and answer parent’s & children’s questions.

Please call Debbie at 866-680-4744 or email info at campakeela dot com for details.