Our assistant director, Kevin Trimble, will be representing Camp Akeela at these two upcoming conferences:
On October 25, in Boston, is AANE’s Asperger Syndrome Connections 2014. This year’s conference, titled “Practical Perspectives, Positive Lives” features speakers Simon Baron-Cohen, Winnie Dunn and Michael Forbes Wilcox.
On November 2, Kevin will be attending the ASPEN Fall Conference in Iselin, New Jersey. After morning presentations from Alex Plank (speaking on autism and the media) and Dennis Debbaudt (ASD and independence), seven afternoon sessions will address topics from dating and relationships to psychopharmacology.
If you’re planning to attend either of these conferences, make sure to stop by the Camp Akeela table to say hello to Kevin. If you weren’t planning to attend, we encourage you to take a look a these two excellent organizations: AANE and ASPEN.