What Staff Say About Working At Camp Akeela
“I am still amazed at how happy I am that I got to be a part of Camp Akeela. I feel so lucky to have found you guys and my life has been changed in so many ways by everything that happened at camp.”
“Since being back at school, I haven’t been able to stop talking and thinking about camp. Everyone asks me how my summer was, and all I can manage to tell them is that there is simply no way to describe it. I would be letting Akeela down if I simply told everyone that it was “great”, because “great” is the understatement of the century!”
“There is a part of me that absolutely changed in the time I spent at camp. Akeela is such a special and unique place, and it is so rare that you come across a community that after only 8 weeks, you can call your second home. In short, thank you so much for letting me be a part of your staff and your family this summer.”
“I just want you to know how much this past summer meant to me. I had such a wonderful time, making new friends and learning new things. Going into the summer I wasn’t sure what to expect. Anyone who knows me knows that I am definitely not a rough-it type girl; bugs and I have never quite gotten along! This being said, I LOVED camp. It was by far the best summer of my life!”
“Even though it’s nice being home surrounded by family and old friends, I have seriously felt the loss of my new home and family at Akeela. This is a summer I will never forget. Camp helped all of us, campers and counselors alike, to reach our full potential. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be a part of such a special place.”
“This summer was so much fun and I can’t believe all the amazing experiences in which I got to partake. It truly reminded me the reason I want to be a teacher.”
“It’s been two days and I am already dreaming of a time where I can be back on Miller Pond enjoying the sun and experiencing that amazing feeling which I can only describe as Akeela.”
“I didn’t realize that I could like a job as much as I did. After leaving, it really hit me hard. Camp opened my eyes to a whole world and confirmed that I really do want to work with children the rest of my life!!”
“Just a quick email to thank you yet again for everything you have done for me this summer. Thank you so much for being there for me every step of the way in long and hard, yet awesome summer, the best of my life!”
“I have grown so much from this experience and I walked away with so much more than I could have ever expected. Not only did I gain valuable experience, but I made some wonderful friends and priceless memories that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.”
“Before this year I had no idea what was in store for me after graduation. I only hope that whatever I end up doing with my life, it will be something as fulfilling as my work this past summer.”